IndiaFirst Life Insurance 
100% Genuine Claim Settlement

When you're a young insurance company hoping to create a brand, you cannot have one of the lowest Claim Settlement Ratios. But we did, and we had nothing to say.
So we shifted the blame and spoke of how we ensure frauds & scamsters never get their money, but genuine claims are settled 100% of the times - a claim we could legally make.

AdityaA milk ice cream
MILK every moment

Kwality Walls was taking over Aditya Milk Ice Cream in South India. They wanted a TVC that connected the local brand to the mother brand positioning. 
Kwality Walls' tagline is "A treat for every occasion" and Adityaa Milk's tagline was "Drink Milk. Eat Milk." 
Our campaign thought "Life is good when you Milk Every Moment" as an insight, was translated in 4 southern languages.
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